Saturday, April 5, 2008

Controversies linked to Jose Miguel Arroyo

Comment on the news report at

Since Gloria Arroyo assumes the presidency, we cannot contest her husband being the first gentleman who could have his hands on government transactions.

Here are some of them (the reported ones)
  1. Alleged P50-million payola for telecoms franchise bills - I wonder why Bing Rodrigo retracted or rather how much did she retracted for.
  2. Alleged use of PCSO funds as campaign funds - they really have to pay also the COA guys who are doing audit at the PCSO.
  3. Designation as OFW envoy - there's not much money on being an envoy.
  4. Jose Pidal expose - Filipino's are not stupid. You can easily tell who's lying and who's not.
  5. Friend's involvement in importation of rotten rice - these rice should be served at Malacanang.
  6. Stay in an expensive Las Vegas suite - he can afford it anyway. He has lots of money.
  7. Alleged receipt of jueteng payola - it's not a surprised after all. It's an open secret how a barangay tanod up to the president benefit from jueteng. That's why they run for a government offices.
  8. Friend's involvement in fertilizer fund scam - where is Joc-joc Bolante now? He will pay for his involvement sooner or later. God has his own way of letting people know how crime does not pay.
  9. Alleged existence of multi-million dollar German bank account - "First Gentleman Arroyo flew to Germany and secured a certification from the bank to disprove Cayetano's claims". Everybody can do that! And what a waste of time and effort, instead of allowing Senator Cayetano to probe on it, he went to germany to prove the allegations was wrong (or he could have moved it...").

He will surely defend himself in all of these issues, but who would believe? Arroyo's cabinet resigned on some of these issues and people are speaking. Are they liar?

Wow, the perks of being the First Gentlemen.

How are we going to trust them now?

Controversies involving Benjamin Abalos

Comment on the article at:

The Chairman of the Commission of Election should be a person with unquestionable reputation. He holds the fate of the nation. But with the above report, I can't imagine how a man like Benjamin Abalos would just walk away with those controversies. They are not thousand of pesos, they are hundred of million of dollars. How such greed has to be moderated.

Ant its not all, the Bedol case, the Garcillano case, they involved more than money. We're talking here of serious government posts. His wickedness has adverse effect in the lives of the ordinary tax paying Filipinos.

No wonder his "kumpadre" submits to him. Why not? In his hands lies the the future of those who wants to experience the perks of being in the government. Poor Filipinos.